Much of my childhood was spent dreaming about becoming a dancer. And in my late teens I got the chance to make that come true when I was offered a place at a prestigious dance college.
But a serious injury ended my career before it had even started – I was shattered. During my rehab I was then diagnosed with hypermobility – a condition which began to weaken my joints AND ligaments. In fact, my whole body was suffering.
It was this heartache that led me into the Health and Social Care Sector. I wanted to help others cope with life-affecting conditions as well holding small dance sessions in the evenings.
But after having my second child I became very ill. I suffered severe headaches, pain in my neck and lower back, tinnitus, vertigo, and numbness in my legs and arms, eye problems, muscle weakness and other ailments.
Living daily with pain became exceptionally depressing, and it took nearly two years for medical professionals to diagnose me with Arnold Chiari Malformation. It seems I was born with this condition but it only came to light later after having an epidural.
Fortunately, I discovered Pilates.